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时间:2024-06-13 16:10:16  编辑:顺达建站  访问:262


小小英文朗读者 Sea Family,Sea Family在中国有句古话:不积跬步,无以致千里;不积小流,无以成江海.告知了我们“穷年累月”关于进修的主要性.在英文的

培生少儿英语自然拼读绘本讲解课 24 | ​Sea Fishing,基本级Sea Fishing《海的礼品》读前运动本册绘本要进修的是字母组合ee, igh, oa, oo(spoon), oo(book), or, ow和er的发音,绘本经过过程

早起来读诗丨 Sea Jelly,1:Sea Jelly 朗读版Sea JellyIt's not made of jelly; it isn't a it drifts, but can move with a doesn't have lungs or a

英文夜读 | Sea Fever,Sea Fever海 之 恋By John Masefield作者 / 约翰•梅斯菲尔德I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,And all I

放学别走, SEA晚读来啦!,SEA为你做了两手预备: 晨读+晚读!!!We are preparing both morning reading and evening reading for you!!!​ What's on this

"死贵的"是"鱿鱼", "sea cucumber"可不是"海黄瓜"啦哈哈哈, 读这波单词我笑了「我爱记单词」,sea eel [siː iːl]14 带鱼 hairtail ['hɛr,teɪl]15 鲈鱼 bass [beɪs] 16 黄花鱼 yellow croaker [ˈjɛləʊ ˈkrəʊkər]17 鲤鱼 carp [kɑ

史上最全的音标与自然拼读结合教学方法,sea meat peanut eagle peach tea leaf peaey: donkey monkey jockey turkey monkey hockey key trolleyie: tie pie lie dieigh: right sight


这个秋天 SEA陪你晨读, SEA Academic Department 时间 Time 9月25日 周一 早8点 Mon. 8:00am

剑桥彩虹少儿英语分级阅读:第一级别RED等级之《In the Sea》(适读年龄:3-6岁),Animals in the sea——2Fish——4Seal——6Shrimp——8Shark——10Whale——12Jellyfish——14Animals in the sea陆地里的植物